The collective labour agreement for staff leasingGlossary becomes effective as soon as employees are employed in companies in accordance with the criteria of the contract. Its provisions apply nationwide and thus ensure a uniform and regulated working environment for temporary workers in Switzerland.
The CBA for staff leasingGlossary also applies in deployment companies that are subject to another CBA. Under certain conditions, the CBA for staff leasingGlossary accepts the wage and working time provisions of the CBA of the deploying company. Provisions on flexible retirement are also accepted under certain conditions. However, provisions regarding daily sickness benefit insurance, occupational pension, and contributions for implementation and further training will not be accepted, provided that the solutions provided for in the current CBA for staff leasingGlossary are at least equivalent to the provisions of the Collective Bargaining Agreement (ave CBA) that are generally binding for the sectors.
In deployment companies with non-generally binding Collective Bargaining Agreement, the provisions of the CBA for staff leasingGlossary apply in full. However, there are also exceptions here: Regulations in certain industries such as the chemical and pharmaceutical industry, machine industry, graphics industry, watch industry, and food and beverage industry as well as in public transport operations may deviate from these.
In deployment companies with non-generally binding Collective Bargaining Agreement, the provisions of the CBA for staff leasingGlossary apply in full. However, there are also exceptions here: Regulations in certain industries such as the chemical and pharmaceutical industry, machine industry, graphics industry, watch industry, and food and beverage industry as well as in public transport operations may deviate from these.